Our Work
how we do it
Empowering Communities

Achieving Universal Education
With support from our partners and communities, we are working to transform the teaching and learning environment by: Providing safe classrooms, furniture, teaching and learning materials. We are actively providing clean toilet facilities, safe water and hand washing facilities. We are also facilitating effective community participation in school management and decision making.

We facilitate improved Mother and Child Health through improved coverage of and access to obstetric care (including emergency obstetric care), strengthening the role of Health Workers and community health care providers through re-training, and increasing access to ante-natal, delivery and post-natal services in target areas.

Our advocacy effort aims at positively impacting public policy inputs and outcomes. Our carefully designed strategies provide policymakers with the tools and information for effective decision making. Care Net Ghana is well versed in Women & Child rights, Gender, Youth Advocacy, among others. Through our community advocacy programs which have assisted several Ghanaian communities in shaping outcomes in health and other social issues.

Governance and Social Accountability
It is impossible to overstate the significance of inclusive economic growth, sustainable infrastructure and resources, food security, among others as key issues in governance at the rural level. Communities in Ghana are important stakeholders in ensuring accountability in a bid to stem and totally uproot corruption, while also playing significant roles which would increase quality service delivery and ensure value for money.